GREETBOT README.TXT This is the source for a sample bot which uses the experimental text mode gateway. This new gateway to is designed to allow web servers, bots, and other automata to access without using a game client such as StarCraft. NOTE: IF THIS EXPERIMENTAL GATEWAY IS ABUSED, IT WILL BE REMOVED! The bot, called GreetBot, is extremely rudimentary. It does nothing but hang out in a channel and greet people by name as they enter. It's based on a "Bot Framework" class, BnBot, which is similar in concept to the MFC classes generated by VC++'s App Wizard. The BnBot class contains the basic functionality to connect to, reconnect if its connection is lost, join a "home" channel, and dispatch events such as users joining or leaving the current channel. To create your own bot, you can derive a new class from the BnBot base class, and override the event handlers that you need. The code was developed using Visual C++ v5.0; the Dev Studio project file is included. It should compile with other compilers, including UNIX, with only minimal changes. This code is provided as-is with no express or implied warranties of any kind. Have fun with it, but don't even dream of bugging us for support. ;-)